Guided Pathways to Success (GPS)
Everything You Need from Day One
GPS gives you the support services you need from choosing the right program and the right classes, to planning graduation or preparing to transfer. Best of all, you can personalize your experience along the way and still complete your degree or transfer plan on time. As a student at Camden County College, you’ll receive the opportunity, guidance, and education you need to reach your goals and find success in your field of study. GPS translates your life into an educational plan through a step by step process:
Let’s get to know you
Your success is our #1 priority and our GPS advisors want to know your interests, abilities and any challenges you face in getting the education you need. We take your success personally and only by getting to know you, can we get you where you’re going.
Choose the program that is best for your goals
Our GPS worksheets provide the core structure for our degree programs but allow choices and customization to fit your schedule and your specific career goals. By simplifying the planning process, your roadmap is crystal clear so you can spend time concentrating on coursework, rather than worrying about credits, class schedules and transfer worksheets. Our GPS Advisors can walk you through every step of the process and complete the perfect plan for you.
For many students, we also offer specific programs based on your background or unique needs. You can learn more on our Student Services page.
Track your progress
Now that we’ve set your objectives, together we’ll monitor the results and keep you on track for graduation or transfer. Your GPS advisor can make scheduling recommendations in helping you plan your coursework.
Get the support you need
Our students have our on-going support every step of the way. We’ll take the time to work through everything from academic hurdles and financial aid, to career planning and readiness.

Get one-on-one assistance in finding the programs
and courses that interest you.
A Path for Every Student
We know that each one of our students is unique and that their differences are the strength of Camden County College. In fact, the College provides customized support services and programs for non-traditional students, military veterans, English as a second language students, students with disabilities, impairments and other needs. You can explore any that apply to you at the links below.
Helpful Links