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Police Academy Rules and Regulations
Class Starting Time
All classes will begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 3:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted. In-service classes are held at the Regional Emergency Training Center (RETC) unless otherwise noted. Classroom assignments will be posted in the lobby.
Pre-registration is required. Complete the on-line registration form a minimum of one week in advance of the start of the course. Register early to assure a seat in the desired course. All registrations must be approved by the requesting agency’s Chief or Designee. An automated response will be e-mailed to the student at the student’s address provided on the registration form. The automated response is not a registration confirmation. It is simply an alert to the student that a registration request has been submitted in his/her name.
Course Confirmation/Cancellation
Registration Confirmation will be e-mailed to the requesting agency’s training coordinator (Chief or Designee on file with the Academy). It is the responsibility of the requesting agency’s training coordinator to notify the student(s) that the course registration has been confirmed.
Courses that do not have the minimum number of attendees registered will be cancelled and those agencies will be notified of the course cancellation by e-mail.
Please notify the Academy as soon as possible when a registered student is unable to attend a course so that the next person on the Wait List can be notified.
Class Attendance
Class attendance is mandatory for certificate consideration. Any absences will be reported to the sending agency. If an absence is unavoidable, please notify the Academy. All attendees are required to sign-in on the class roster.
Certificates of completion will be awarded at the end of the last day of classes.
Training fees are waived for Camden County Agencies unless otherwise noted. All checks, money orders or purchase orders should be made payable to Camden County College Police Academy. Cash payments cannot be accepted.
Co-sponsored Courses listed in this catalog require registration with the vendor. Payments should also be made to the vendor.
Refund Policy
No refunds will be issued due to failure to attend the class. Refunds may be authorized based on written justification from the agency 24 hours prior to the start of class.
Department uniform or Business Casual is the appropriate attire for the Academy setting and is required at all times unless otherwise noted in the Course Description. Sweats, shorts, tee-shirts, jeans and sneakers are prohibited.
Smoking and the use of all tobacco or “tobacco-like” products, on all College property by any person at any time, is strictly prohibited. “Smoking” means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted, heated, or ignited cigar, cigarette, cigarillo, pipe, hookah, electronic device, or any other device that delivers nicotine or other substances to a person. “Tobacco Product” means any product containing, made, or derived from tobacco or nicotine that is intended for human consumption, whether smoked, heated, chewed, absorbed, dissolved, inhaled, snorted, sniffed, or ingested by any other means, including, but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, little cigars, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, snuff; and any electronic device that delivers nicotine or other substances to the person inhaling from the device, including, but not limited to, an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic pipe, or electronic hookah.
Unless dressed in department uniform, law enforcement officers are asked to conceal their weapons, especially when walking across campus.
With the exception of an emergency, no class will be interrupted for telephone messages. Academy telephones are restricted to the use of the Academy staff and instructors. Please place all cell phones on silent mode prior to entering the classroom.
Eating or drinking in the classrooms is strictly prohibited.
In-service students are expected to set an example for the Basic Recruits by refraining from using profane, loud or offensive language. All students are expected to treat instructors with courtesy and respect.
Interaction with recruits is prohibited unless prior permission has been granted by the Academy Staff.